Date Posted:29 August 2019 

With the 2019 Seasonal Bushfire Outlook report highlighting the areas of Australia that currently have 'above normal fire potential', we warn all Australians to be prepared for this fire season. This DFES post outlines the importance of it in WA, but we would also like to portray a sense of urgency across the eastern states of rural Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, and New South Wales.

2019 Seasonal Bushfire Outlook report highlights Australia areas  with 'above normal fire potential'

Thermaguard supplies Personal Protective Bushfire Blankets (which meet AFAC standards) to fire authorities, but also to anyone who travels or lives in the 'high bushfire risk' rural areas. Did you know you can purchase these last resort bushfire safety blankets for your vehicle or home, online?

Check them here: Supertherm Lite Personal Bushfire Burnover Blanket 

#beprepared #firefighting #wildfire #dfes


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